Will I be able to log in and add things to the website?
Almost all software that we use to make websites these days provides a way to log in and edit the content of your website - the text, images, videos.
Two of the most popular tools that allow you to log in and edit are WordPress and Drupal. These are called content management systems (CMSs). If your site is built in one of these, it should be easy to log in and edit any type of content, webpages, posts, events, team members, etc. If it isn't easy, then your web developer hasn't done a good job making it easy for you.
The same is true for ecommerce software like Shopify, which makes it super easy to edit products, categories, info pages, and so on when you're logged in.
And if your site is built using a drag-and-drop visual site builder like Wix, SquareSpace or Webflow, you will be able to log in and edit the content of the site, though it might be a lot more difficult to do it without breaking anything than if it was built with one of the CMSs.
There is a category of websites that don't have any sort of log-in-to-edit functionality; we call these custom-built websites. They're usually built from scratch specifically for your needs using code. In exchange for losing the ability to edit content yourself, the website could be much cheaper to build, or just much more powerful and unique.
If you'd like to know how to edit the content of your site, just ask us.