All our blog posts
How to buy a website
We explore the things you can do to find the perfect web designer / developer and to provide them with just what they need.
What are websites made of?
We look under the hood to understand what websites are really composed of.
Webflow agencies in SA 2022
While Webflow may be new to our country, it's definitely making its mark. We did some research for you, finding all the professionals using it to make sites in SA.
Should you use Webflow for your website?
It's hard to figure out the many ways to build websites, and Webflow is just one of them. We discuss the pros and cons, to help you decide if it's right for your business.
Drupal agencies in the UK 2022
After combing through endless pages of searches, we've compiled the most complete list of companies and individuals in the UK that build websites using Drupal; the most advanced CMS available.
We're training a handful of junior web developers!
Including Webflow, Shopify, Drupal, WordPress, APIs & integrations, Vue / Angular / React / Astro, TypeScript, Docker & containers, Git, PWAs, other development concepts, and resources.
Website, App, or Web app?
We explore the similarities and differences of all three, their pros and cons, and help you choose one for your business.
Every way to make a website in 2022
We discuss what the various methods are, the pros and cons of each, and what each one is best for. We cover simple site builders, CMSs, JavaScript frameworks, and all the rest.
What is a Website?
In this article, we learn what websites are in very simple words, and how we use them. Then we learn why businesses make them in the first place, and we get a bit of technical understanding on how they work.
What is Webflow? (in non-technical words)
A guide to deciding if this site-building software is right for your organisation, including features, pricing, and alternatives.
How should a website be maintained?
We discuss regular site backups and updates, restores when needed, support for queries, site monitoring, and regular updates of content.
What is WordPress (in non-technical words)
We discuss what WordPress is, what it's most suitable for, the alternatives, how much it costs, and even if you can build the site yourself.
Should you redesign your website?
We discuss when it's a good time to invest in redesigning your website, and when it's not. If it is, we give tips on how much it should cost, and if it isn't, we suggest things to focus on instead.
Webflow vs Shopify
We compare Webflow and Shopify in several ways, such as what are they, which ecommerce features they have, which other site-building features they have, who can use them, and how much they cost.
How good is your website?
Using our rating spreadsheet template (a free download) we'll rate your website on its Design, Performance, Security, Content, and Conversions.
Technical words you should know before getting a website, in simple English
What are web apps? Domain names? What is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? What is a corporate identity? What does social media have to do with websites? And what are cookies in websites? We explain them all and more.
What is Angular? (in non-technical words)
A simple explanation of what the software is, what it's good for, and how to ensure your team uses it successfully.
How to choose a web designer
Buying a website - or more specifically, getting one made for your business or organisation - is a huge investment of time and money, so it’s important to choose the right person or agency to do it for you. And it’s not easy; there are so many things to consider, and you might not even know where to start!
How much should a website cost?
The pricing of websites in South African varies massively, from a small amount that any business can afford, to astronomical amounts that only government and multi-national corporations are comfortable paying. But how much should your organisation pay?
Drupal, WordPress, Webflow, or Shopify?
A comparison between the most popular software to build websites with, from our perspective.
Drupal vs WordPress; Which should you use?
Drupal VS Wordpress - CMS showdown!
The only 6 ways customers will find your site
When you first got a website, did you expect to get a whole lot of visitors right away? If we’re honest, we probably all expected or at least hoped that would be the case. Of course, that’s not how it really works.
7 things you should get with your website
The other components include regular fresh content, social media, email newsletters, search engine optimisation, conversion rate optimisation, and analytics. Can you afford to ignore these?
Even ‘Flat’ isn’t Really Flat
The trends have come and gone, and will surely return again one day, as we decide that providing a sense of visual depth requires all the tools available, in just the right amounts and combinations.
Is Your Website Good Enough?
If you have a website – for yourself or your business – you should be confident that it’s what you want or need. If you aren’t sure, you should assess your website to help you decide if you need a new website, or simply an update.
Pricing a Website
When you’re making a website for someone else – if it’s not for free, you’re going to want to charge the right amount for it.
A Better Way to Start Building Websites
We need  a well-informed and engaging guide to the complex and out-of-reach world of planning, designing and building websites.